Bard Party:
The Fantasy Card Game
Bard Party is the outrageous card game about flirting with elves, seducing wizards, dressing to impress and kicking your opponent when they’re down.
You and your friends will play as the Bards trying to seduce the lovely patrons of a fantasy tavern in order to claim your rightful place as the most reputable lover in all the lands! Use cards like Lavish Lute or Fancy Feather Hat to increase your Bard's allure, or start a Ridiculous Rumor about your fellow Bards to make sure they aren't going home with anyone.
The Portmanteau Party Game
Are you the kind of person that hears two words and thinks to yourself "I could save so much time if I just cram those two words together!"? If so, SMOOSH is the game for you. It's a game that tests you and your friends’ creativity and absurdity.
It's simple. You start with two random categories, pick one example from each and SMOOSH them together. Say your two categories are Famous Rappers & Snack Foods... Some examples could be: Luda-crisps, Em & Ems, Skittle Jon, Pop-Corn-ye West. After everyone is finished creating and writing down their SMOOSH, the Smoodge (Smoosh + Judge) picks their favorite and the player that created it gets points and praise!
I’m just a guy trying to make games.
Wits & Giggles Gaming is just a one man operation on paper, but the only reason I’m doing this is because of all the amazing people that believe in me and my mission to make fun and funny games.
My name is Cory and I am a Graphic Designer masquerading as an aspiring game designer. I’ve always loved games and it is my company’s goal to bring you some games you can love too.